About InstaEnglish
Teenagers crave novelty and instigating visual content to feed their curious minds
when studying a second language. InstaEnglish is the best way to stretch beyond
the classroom environment and reach students’ minds and hearts, thanks to all its
original and updated content. InstaEnglish students will learn English in a very
practical way, motivated by their desire to communicate in today’s cosmopolitan world,
express their opinions, and expand their global knowledge even further.
Key Features
- Balanced Scope and Sequence: clearly structured units, carefully graded grammar and vocabulary and all four skills equally covered in full compliance with the National Learning Standards (BNCC – Base Nacional Comum Curricular).
- Instigating Visual Content: unit openings, vocabulary sections and review games supported by abundant visual resources that provide memorable learning.
- Interactive Digital Content: 8 interactive activities in every unit for students to do and for teachers to keep track of their performance.
- Culture: section in every unit highlighting an aspect of life in an English-speaking country, inviting students to learn about the world around them with authentic cultural references.
- CLIL and Life Skills: CLIL sections with reading and listening activities that help students develop other areas of knowledge and interest; topical, teen-relevant life skills projects providing students with transferable 21st century skills.